How to Get a DBA Name in Massachusetts

If you are planning to operate a business under a name that is different from your legal name or the name of your business entity, you will need to register a "Doing Business As" (DBA) name. In the state of Massachusetts, the process of obtaining a DBA name is relatively straightforward. This article will guide you through the necessary steps to acquire a DBA name in Massachusetts.

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Step 1: Research the Availability of Your Desired DBA Name

Before starting the registration process, it is essential to ensure that your desired DBA name is not already in use by another entity in Massachusetts. You can perform a business entity search on the Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth website . If your desired DBA name is already registered, you will need to choose an alternative name or make variations to your original name to be distinct.

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Step 2: Choose Registration Type

Massachusetts offers two methods to register a DBA name: through the Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth or your local city or town clerk. You should select the registration method depending on your business's location and your preferences. If your business operates statewide, it is recommended to register with the Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth in Boston.

Step 3: Registration with the Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth

To register a DBA name with the Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, follow these steps:

1. Obtain the Registration of an Assumed Business Name form from the Commonwealth's website or visit their office in Boston.

2. Fill out the form accurately and legibly. Include your proposed DBA name, your legal name, the business address, nature of business, and other requested information.

3. Cash, personal checks, or money orders are accepted as payment for the registration fee. The fee amount may vary, so consult the official Commonwealth website.

4. Mail or hand-deliver the completed registration form and the registration fee to the Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. The address can be found on the official website. If you choose to mail the documents, include a self-addressed stamped envelope for the return of your certified DBA certificate.

5. Wait for the processing of your application. It typically takes a few weeks to receive your certified DBA certificate. Once received, you will be officially authorized to operate your business under the registered DBA name.

Step 4: Registration with Local City/Town Clerk

If you decide to register your DBA name through your local city or town clerk, follow these guidelines:

1. Contact the city or town clerk's office where your business is based and inquire about their specific requirements and procedures for registering a DBA name, as they may vary slightly from location to location.

2. Prepare the Registration of an Assumed Business Name form provided by your local city or town clerk.

3. Complete the form accurately and provide the necessary information like the proposed DBA name, your legal name, business address, nature of business, and any other details required by the form.

4. Submit the completed registration form along with the required registration fee to the city or town clerk's office.

5. Depending on the municipality, it may take several weeks to receive your certified DBA certificate. The certificate serves as evidence that your chosen DBA name is officially registered in your city or town.

Step 5: Advertise Your DBA Name (Optional)

Though not required in Massachusetts, some businesses choose to publish a notice of intent to use a DBA name in a local newspaper. Publishing your DBA name announcement can be beneficial as it helps inform the local community of your business's name change or establishment. If you decide to advertise, contact your local newspaper to inquire about their publication process and fees.


Registering a DBA name in Massachusetts is crucial if you want to legally operate your business under a name that is distinct from your legal or entity name. By following the steps mentioned above, you can successfully navigate the process and secure your chosen DBA name. Remember to research the availability of your desired name, choose the appropriate registration method, complete the required forms accurately, and submit the necessary fees. Once registered, you can proudly use your DBA name and establish your presence in the Massachusetts business landscape!

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Written by Jimbob Soupbone in Business on Sat 22 July 2023.